制作latex的参考文献格式文件 | bst文件


latex makebst


* This is Make Bibliography Style *

Command Line: latex.exe –src –interaction=errorstopmode –synctex=1 “makebst.tex” Startup Folder: C:\Users\tinkle\Desktop\custom-bib\custom-bib

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MiKTeX 2.9) entering extended mode (C:\Users\tinkle\Desktop\custom-bib\custom-bib\makebst.tex LaTeX2e <2011/06/27> Babel and hyphenation patterns for loaded. *********************************** * This is Make Bibliography Style * *********************************** It makes up a docstrip batch job to produce a customized .bst file for running with BibTeX Do you want a description of the usage? (NO)

\yn=no In the interactive dialogue that follows, you will be presented with a series of menus. In each case, one answer is the default, marked as (*), and a mere carriage-return is sufficient to select it. (If there is no * choice, then the default is the last choice.) For the other choices, a letter is indicated in brackets for selecting that option. If you select a letter not in the list, default is taken.

The final output is a file containing a batch job which may be (La)TeXed to produce the desired BibTeX bibliography style file. The batch job may be edited to make minor changes, rather than running this program once again.

Enter the name of the MASTER file (default=merlin.mbs)


Name of the final OUTPUT .bst file? (default extension=bst)


Give a comment line to include in the style file. Something like for which journals it is applicable.

\ans= Do you want verbose comments? (NO)

\yn= (C:\Users\tinkle\Desktop\custom-bib\custom-bib\merlin.mbs «< For more information about the meanings of «< the various options, see the section on «< Menu Information in the .mbs file documentation.


Name of language definition file (default=merlin.mbs)


Name of language file: \cfile=.

Include file(s) for extra journal names? (NO)


No included files.

INTERNAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT (if no external language file) (*) English words used explicitly (b) Babel (words replaced by commands defined in babelbst.tex) Select:

\ans= You have selected: English

  1. 引文的风格 STYLE OF CITATIONS: (*) Numerical as in standard LaTeX 采用数字 (a) Author-year with some non-standard interface (b) Alpha style, Jon90 or JWB90 for single or multiple authors (o) Alpha style, Jon90 even for multiple authors (f) Alpha style, Jones90 (full name of first author) (c) Cite key (special for listing contents of bib file) Select:

\ans= You have selected: Numerical 2. HTML输出 HTML OUTPUT (if non author-year citations) (*) Normal LaTeX output (h) Hypertext output, in HTML code, in paragraphs (n) Hypertext list with sequence numbers (k) Hypertext with keys for viewing databases Select:

\ans= You have selected: Normal LaTeX 3. 语言区域(感觉这样翻译不太对) LANGUAGE FIELD (*) No language field (l) Add language field to switch hyphenation patterns temporarily Select:

\ans= You have selected: No language field 4. 附加说明(或者说注释) ANNOTATIONS: (*) No annotations will be recognized (a) Annotations in annote field or in .tex file of citekey name Select:

\ans= You have selected: No annotations 5. 排序方式 ORDERING OF REFERENCES (if non-author/year and non-alph) (*) Alphabetical by all authors 按照英文字母排序 (c) Citation order (unsorted, like unsrt.bst) 按照引用的顺序 (d) Year ordered and then by authors (r) Reverse year ordered and then by authors Select:

\ans=c You have selected: Citation order

  1. 如果不是按照引用的排序方式(VON PART) ORDER ON VON PART (if not citation order) (*) Sort on von part (de la Maire before Defoe) (x) Sort without von part (de la Maire after Mahone) Select:

\ans= You have selected: Sort on von part VON

  1. 作者名字 AUTHOR NAMES: (*) Full, surname last (John Frederick Smith) (f) Full, surname first (Smith, John Frederick) (i) Initials + surname (J. F. Smith) (r) Surname + initials (Smith, J. F.) (s) Surname + dotless initials (Smith J F) (w) Surname + comma + spaceless initials (Smith, J.F.) (x) Surname + pure initials (Smith JF) (y) Surname + comma + pure initials (Smith, JF) (z) Surname + spaceless initials (Smith J.F.) (a) Only first name reversed, initials (AGU style: Smith, J. F., H. K. Jones) (b) First name reversed, with full names (Smith, John Fred, Harry Kab Jones) Select:

\ans=x You have selected: Surname + pure initials

  1. 如果作者姓名颠倒,在数据库中的编辑 EDITOR NAMES IN COLLECTIONS (if author names reversed) (*) Editor names NOT reversed as edited by JJ Smith (r) Editor names reversed just like authors' Select:

\ans=r You have selected: Editor names reversed

  1. 名的位置 POSITION OF JUNIOR (if author names reversed) (*) Junior comes last as Smith, John, Jr. (m) Junior between as Smith, Jr., John Select:

\ans= You have selected: Junior comes last

  1. 作者之间的标点符号 PUNCTUATION BETWEEN AUTHOR NAMES: (*) Author names separated by commas逗号 (s) Names separated by semi-colon 分号 (h) Names separated by slash / 斜杠 Select:

\ans= You have selected: Author names separated by commas 11. 作者重名问题 ADJACENT REFERENCES WITH REPEATED NAMES: (*) Author/editor names always present (d) Repeated author/editor names replaced by dash (2) Repeated author/editor names replaced by 2 dashes (3) Repeated author/editor names replaced by 3 dashes Select:

\ans= You have selected: Author/editor names always present

  1. 作者的数目 NUMBER OF AUTHORS: (*) All authors included in listing (l) Limited authors (et al replaces missing names) Select:

\ans= You have selected: All authors

  1. 作者的字体格式 TYPEFACE FOR AUTHORS IN LIST OF REFERENCES: (*) Normal font for author names (s) Small caps authors (\sc) (i) Italic authors (\it or \em) (b) Bold authors (\bf) (u) User defined author font (\bibnamefont) Select:

\ans= You have selected: Normal font for author names

  1. 日期的位置 DATE POSITION: (*) Date at end (b) Date after authors (j) Date part of journal spec. (as 1994;45:34-40) else at end (e) Date at very end after any notes Select:

\ans=j You have selected: Date part of journal spec.

  1. 日期的格式 DATE FORMAT (if non author-year citations) (*) Plain month and year without any brackets (p) Date in parentheses as (May 1993) (b) Date in brackets as [May 1993] (c) Date preceded by colon as `: May 1993' (d) Date preceded by period as `. May 1993' (m) Date preceded by comma as `, May 1993' (s) Date preceded by space only, as ` May 1993' Select:

\ans=m You have selected: Date preceded by comma

  1. 日期的形式 SUPPRESS MONTH: (*) Date is month and year (x) Date is year only Select:

\ans=x You have selected: Date is year only

  1. 如果日期不是在结尾,日期的格式 DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end) (*) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or period) (c) Colon after date as 1994: (s) Semi-colon after date as 1994; (p) Period after date even when blocks use commas (x) No punct. after date Select:

\ans=c You have selected: Colon after date

  1. 日期后的空白 BLANK AFTER DATE: (*) Space after date and punctuation (x) No space after date as 1994:45 Select:

\ans=x You have selected: No space after date

  1. 日期的字体 DATE FONT: (*) Date in normal font (b) Date in bold face Select:

\ans= You have selected: Date in normal font

  1. 文章的标题 TITLE OF ARTICLE: (*) Title plain with no special font (i) Title italic (\em) (q) Title and punctuation in single quotes (`Title,' ..) (d) Title and punctuation in double quotes (``Title,'' ..) (g) Title and punctuation in guillemets («Title,» ..) (x) Title in single quotes (`Title', ..) (y) Title in double quotes (``Title'', ..) (z) Title in guillemets (<

See Also